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Press Coverage

My research has received press coverage, including:

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Science covers our research:

Slender, neuron-size probes aim for better recordings of brain’s electrical chatter

Nature Materials highlights our research in News & Views:

Neuron-like neural probes

Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) highlights our research:

Neuronlike electronics integrate with brain tissue without causing damage

The Scientist highlights our research:

Image of the Day: Imposter Neurons

The Harvard Gazette highlights our research:

Sensors go undercover to outsmart the brain

National Institutes of Health (NIH) highlights our research:

Electronic stealth neurons offer enhanced brain studies and treatments

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) interviews my Ph.D. advisor and me on our research for the Broadcast 'Opportunity'

The Medical News highlights our research:

Newly developed probe looks, acts, and feels so much like real neuron

MedicalXpress highlights our research:

New brain implants disguise as neurons, offering a potentially safer way to study and treat the brain

Biomedical Picture of the Day highlights our research:

Tricking the Mind

Harvard University Chemistry and Chemical Biology highlights our research:

A welcome stranger

EurekAlert highlights our research:

A very human machine

Yahoo News highlights our research:

Linking brains to computers: how new implants are helping us achieve this goal

The Conversation highlights our research:

Linking brains to computers: how new implants are helping us achieve this goal

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